Assistant Operations Manager

Industry: Hospitality.

Job Location: Ntinda.

Job purpose: To deputise the operations manager in ensuring smooth day-to-day running of the hotel.

Job duties:

  1. Assist in planning and directing hotel main operations including quality, standards, cleanliness and guest satisfaction.
  2. Ensure consistent implementation of SOPs throughout the departments.
  3. Handle day-to-day queries, complaints or problems that arise at the hotel.
  4. Ensure that reasonable care is taken for the health and safety of guests and other staff.

Required qualifications and experience:

  • At least a diploma in catering and hotel management or a related field.
  • Previous experience in leading teams.
  • 2 years of work experience in a similar position.
  • Excellent customer service skills.

Interested individuals may send their applications, including CV and copies of academic documents to

Submission deadline: 15th March 2024.

Job Category: Hotel & catering
Job Type: Full Time
Job Location: Kampala

Apply for this position

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